Watch My Manta

A partnership between Manta Trust & Carl F. Bucherer


Adopted by: Asish Kumar Saha

ID Number: MA-MV-4235

Gender: Male

Date First Sighted: 10th September 2016.

Location of First Sighting: Hanifaru Bay, Baa Atoll, Republic of Maldives.

Total Number of Sightings: 3



During our first encounter, we estimated that this manta was roughly 2.9 metres in width, from wing-tip to wing-tip. Based on the size of his claspers, we class this manta as a sexually mature adult.

He has a medium-long length tail, and no visible wounds, scars or unusual injuries.



Sighted 10th September 2016.

Sighted 10th September 2016.

Sighted 1st October 2016.

Sighted 1st October 2016.

Sighted 27th September 2016.

Sighted 27th September 2016.